In connection with Pirates Week 2019, several intrepid members took part in CILPA’s inaugural collaboration with the Pirates Week Office on the reimagining of the 'Trial of the Pyrates', a humourous mock trial where the dastardly 'pyrates' who have had their way with the Islands during the foregoing week are finally brought to 'justice'.
Already a staple event in the official festivities, this year marked the first time that the Trial was held on the steps of the Cayman Islands National Museum, located in Hog Sty Bay, George Town. Of particular significance to the legal community, the Museum, an historic building erected in the early 19th century, was the first purpose-built court house in Grand Cayman. The exterior flight of stairs, which at one time led to the Court Room, gave rise to the popular local euphemism "walking the twelve steps", meaning being taken to court.
Geared toward children and adults alike, the Trial starred CILPA members Brett Basdeo (Walkers) and Oliver Grimwood (Richard H Barton, Attorney-at-Law), as the Prosecution and Defence, respectively.
Rounding out the cast were CILPA members Sarah Humpleby, Andre Howarth, Benjamin Twiddle, Lloyd Barker and Sam Francis(Walkers) and Bryan Little and Rebecca Findlay (Ogier).
Well received by a crowd of hundreds, CILPA members are encouraged to participate in the Trial in the years to come, which includes both speaking and non-speaking roles.